4 Steps to Becoming a MUFON Field Investigator

Step 1:
If you have not already done so, please join MUFON at www.mufon.com/join or renew your membership at www.mufon.com/renew.
Only current members in good standing (current membership dues paid) can be promoted to MUFON Field Investigator status.
Read an article and see a video here.
Step 2:
Purchase a copy of the MUFON Field Investigator’s manual. To ensure that only competent investigators conduct witness interviews, on-site investigations, and collateral contacts with public agencies and others, formal Field Investigator training is essential.
The MUFON Field Investigator’s Manual is the basic reference for training. All trainees must possess an original copy of the Manual and become completely familiar with its contents.
Step 3:
Self study the MUFON Field Investigator Manual or attend a training class conducted by your local area state director (if available). To find your local contact visit: Find my State Director by clicking on your state. Then complete the open book MUFON Field Investigator’s exam, a copy of which is included in the Field Investigator’s manual.
Send your completed exam for grading to the address listed on the exam. Also, please make sure you either email a professional portrait photo of yourself (.jpg format 448H X 336W pixels at 300dpi) to MUFON.com or by mail to MUFON, 18023 Sky Park Circle, #F-2, Irvine CA 92614.
Please include your name and MUFON ID # If you have it already.
In order to be promoted to the position of Field Investigator, every member must achieve a favorable score on the MUFON Field Investigator’s Exam (passing overall score of at least 80%). The purpose of administering the exam is to evaluate the individual’s practical knowledge in respect to both potential UFO and IFO (identifiable flying object) reports from the public.
The exam consists of one-hundred questions in twelve specific areas: light and optics; sound; electromagnetic properties; measurements; physical traces; photography; radio and radar; celestial objects; atmosphere and weather; conventional vehicles; witness reactions; and the recent history of UFO experiences.
• Investigative Ethics. Most importantly, the Trainee must understand and adhere to the tenet of anonymity (withholding witness identifiers from persons who are not part of the UFO report investigation or its evaluation within MUFON).
• Interviewing Methods. Preparation, controlling the setting, the sequence of obtaining a complete account, recognizing sensory perceptions, analyzing witness body language, active listening, interpreting the oral account, and drawing conclusions are all vitally important.
• Collateral Contacts. In a given circumstance, the Trainee must be aware of which public officials and/or others to contact in order to potentially resolve the report as a misperception, determine the person’s reliability as a witness, or identify others who may have witnessed and reported the same event.
• Technical Background. A working knowledge should be conveyed to the Trainee on the subjects of weather anomalies, astronomy, conventional aircraft (especially lighting configurations), space satellites, photographic equipment and methods, and the soil sciences.
Step 4:
Although it is not required, it is highly recommended that once you pass your exam and achieve Field Investigator status that you accompany a current experienced MUFON Field Investigator on several live investigations before attempting an investigation on your own. Please contact your MUFON State Director to coordinate mentoring opportunities.
To become a field investigator in Arizona contact:
[email protected] & [email protected]
You can find your State Director’s contact information at mufon.com/find-a-chapter/
To begin to learn about this most interesting subject, a good reading list is a great start.