Join us on Sunday afternoons, October - June!

Our location: The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona, AZ, 86336, Office phone: 1-928-282-7181. Doors open at 2:30; the program begins at 3:00 pm. Admission is 15.00 at the door, cash preferred.

Here are the currently scheduled speakers for Sedona MUFON:

Sunday, February 9, 2025 -  Ronald Regehr & Grandfather Malava- "Pueblo People, the Star People, and the Others Who Live Amongst Us"

Sunday, March 30 - Whitley Strieber- author, contactee-"The Fourth Mind: Why Aliens Have It and We Don't, and How We Can Change That"

Sunday, April 13- Author Wynn Free - Wynn Meets God, a documentary

Sunday, May 11- Rebecca Hardcastle Wright-"Exoconscious Humans: Shaping their Earth and Cosmic Future" 

Sunday, June 8 - Paul Hynek and his brother Joel Hynek- “"Growing up with UFOs."

Friday, October 17-Monday, October 20-Sky Fire Summit 2025- Disclosing 80 years of secrecy of the UFO/UAP Phenomenon - and marking                  the 50th anniversary of Travis Walton's world-known incident in 1975

Sunday, November 9 - Stan Milford and Jon Dover - "Navajo Rangers and the Paranormal Incidents"

Sunday, December 14 -Michael    Horn-"The Billy Meier UFO Contacts: The Key to Our Future Survival"

Never miss a program again! Sign up for monthly reminders. For questions or program suggestions, contact Sedona MUFON director, Jennifer W. Stein: [email protected].



Sunday, February 9, 2025 - Ronald Regehr & Grandfather Malava- "Pueblo People, the Star People, and the Others Who Live Amongst Us"

Regehr’s current research involves: evidence Star People have visited the Puebloan people.

Ronald Regehr has been a UFO researcher for more than 65 years.  A  retired aerospace engineer with 36 years of experience at Douglas Aircraft and Aerojet ElectroSystems working in space and space surveillance systems, he is MUFON Deputy Director of Research and a MUFON research specialist in space satellite technology.  He specializes in satellite detection of UFOs and photo analysis associated with the Roswell case.  Regehr is currently researching the degree of alien intervention in Puebloan culture.
A life member of MUFON, former MUFON-Utah State Director, STAR Team Investigator, and MUFON Benefactor, he wrote the current edition of the Field Investigator’s Manual.
Regehr worked on space surveillance systems for over 30 years and coordinated the research of the Roswell Photo Interpretation Team after an invitation by the Roswell photographer, James Bond Johnson to “get to the bottom” of whether or not the photographs he took in Gen. Roger Ramey’s office on that memorable day showed the actual UFO debris or parts of a simple “weather gadget” as claimed by Gen. Ramey.

Aerospace Engineering

From 1962 to 1999 Regehr was an engineer with Douglas Aircraft (now Boeing) and Aerojet (now Northrop Grumman).  At Douglas, he was part of the Saturn/Apollo design team and was responsible for the electrical interface between stages of the Apollo rocket.  Later he developed the requirements for the first US space station, Skylab, working closely with the astronauts, NASA headquarters, and Douglas designers.

At Aerojet, Regehr was part of the team that developed specifications for one of our nation’s top spy satellites, the Defense Support Program or DSP.  The team developed ground data-processing software and interfaces with other program elements.  During his career, he held various security clearances up to the level of Top Secret Q, and he was frequently called upon to assist government specialists in evaluation of classified programs.

UFO Research

Regehr became interested in the UFO phenomena in the mid-1950s as a young volunteer for the Ground Observer Corps. Through the years he continued reading everything available on UFOs, and in the mid-1980s he became seriously involved in UFO research when his knowledge of classified data indicated to him the US government was not telling the public the truth about UFOs.

In particular, based on technical details in the 1976 Iranian UFO case, Regehr became convinced that US spy satellites were detecting UFOs.  Between 1988 and 1994 he published a series of articles establishing that this was true, culminating in his April 1994 MUFON Journal article, “Do Spy Satellites See UFOs?”  Also in 1994, Regehr made the information available to a national audience as a guest participant in a documentary on the Iranian UFO case on the TV program “Sightings.”  In 1998 Regehr published a monograph “How to build a $125 million UFO Detector,” which analyzes the technical problems involved in satellite detection of UFOs. Regehr’s Iranian UFO paper, which won 1st prize in MUFON’s 2006 “Best Evidence” contest, combined newly published information (Pratt; Maccabee) with Regehr’s analysis to show that the 1976 event in Iran provides irrefutable evidence of the reality of UFOs.

Other research done by Regehr contributed to knowledge about the Roswell case.  Regehr’s Feb. 2000 MUFON UFO Journal article “Not Enough ‘Foil’,” shows that the 200-yd. diameter debris field described by Mac Brazel was far too large to have been caused by the impact of a Mogul research balloon train.

In 1998-2000 Regehr played a key role in bringing to fruition research on the Roswell Ramey office photos carried out by Regehr, Morris, Leveoux, and Johnson.  Careful analysis of the photos, rescued from 50 years of obscurity, revealed the times of day the photos were made, that more than two photographers photographed the debris, that the debris pictured in the photos could not have been that of a Mogul balloon, and even that virtually all of the text of the teletype held by Gen. Ramey was readable.

Regehr revised and updated the MUFON Field Investigator’s Manual to bring it up to industry standards and enable electronic access and updates for all MUFON members. 

Regehr lives in Rimrock, AZ where he enjoys his retirement and research  He is happily married, with four grown daughters one son, a grandfather of four boys and four girls, and three great-granddaughters.

Grandfather Malava joins him in this program. (Malava is a tribal reference to the person responsible for bringing up for ceremony the “people" who live underground—most notably the Ant People and Stone People.) A Hopi Holy Man, he is the last living son of the Nine Hopi Elders and a member of both the Snake and Reed Clans.

Grandfather Malava recognized the Hopi Way very early in life—that there are some things greater than our lives, something more than what we could hear, see, or feel, and that this “something” allows us to become part of the cosmic or divine.

Grandfather Malava will share his knowledge of many other races of beings that have interacted with Hopi for “many thousands of moons” such as the Blue People who live on the Moon and have conquered intergalactic travel. The Cave People now live on Earth. The Ant People were here long before our ancestors; the Katsina and the roles they portray in daily life.

Grandfather Malava will share some of his UFO photographs of strange events that began following him over 50 years ago and continue to this day.

See and hear how the Hopi Prophecy of the end times is unfolding before our very eyes!

Regehr presents compelling and fascinating evidence of hundreds of years of interaction between the Star People and the Pueblo People. Be prepared to learn some of the mysteries that have been hidden for many centuries, revealed by the writings of the ancients.

Come join us in this exciting journey into the past—and into our future!”

Our location: The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona, AZ, 86336, Office phone: 1-928-282-7181. Doors open at 2:30; the program begins at 3:00 pm. Admission is 15.00 at the door, cash preferred.


Sunday, March 30, 2025- Whitley Strieber, author, contactee-"The Fourth Mind: Why Aliens Have It and We Don't, and How We Can Change That"

Aliens can levitate, use telepathy, and do many other things that we cannot. And yet there is evidence that we were once able to do them, too. We will discuss what happened and why, and how we can regain the powers we lost and they did not.

Our location: The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona, AZ, 86336, Office phone: 1-928-282-7181. Doors open at 2:30; the program begins at 3:00 pm. Admission is 15.00 at the door, cash preferred.

Sunday, April 13, 2025- Author Wynn Free - Wynn Meets God

Wynn Meets God documents the events in Wynn's life over the past 20 years when his girlfriend, Terry Brown, woke him up in the middle of the night and told him to get out a tape recorder. He did what she asked and had no idea what to expect.  A voice (not hers) invited him to ask questions. His first question was, "Who are you?"

They identified themselves as the Council of Elohim. Wynn googled the word Elohim and learned it was one of the names for God in the Old Testament and the word the Mormons use for God. 

He then asked, "Why are you talking to me?" They answered, "You are like a cosmic midwife and know how to bring this into the world without ego." Apparently, Wynn had worked with them in a couple of previous lives and earned their trust. 

Wynn didn't know how to respond. Were they really who they said they were? Is it possible that they might be negative? He spent the next few days querying them and was astounded with their answers.  He was becoming predisposed to trust them. They were answering questions about how the universe works that had never been answered in the course of human history— like how the universe was created? Where did Jesus come from? And much more. In this initial stage of the communications, Wynn asked them if they liked to be worshipped. They answered "No; Worship creates a separation and we prefer to be related to you as your higher dimensional big brothers. We can help you and your planet." After about six weeks of communication, the first of many miracles occurred, many documented in the movie.

A few months into the connection, Wynn asked them if Terry had ever been famous in a past lifetime. They answered, "Look up St. Catherine Sienna." Wynn Googled St. Catherine and found the story of a young woman in Sienna, Italy. She would go to the local church and the priest would write down everything she said because they thought God was talking to them through her. After St. Catherine died, her channelings were compiled in a book- St. Catherine Dialogues with God which became a classic of Catholic literature.

Plus, Terry had a remarkable resemblance to St. Catherine.

Our location: The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona, AZ, 86336, Office phone: 1-928-282-7181. Doors open at 2:30; the program begins at 3:00 pm. Admission is 15.00 at the door, cash preferred.

Sunday, May 11- Rebecca Hardcastle Wright-"Exoconscious Humans: Shaping their Earth and Cosmic Future"

Join Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, a Phoenix-based futurist, author, and coach, for an illuminating journey into Exoconsciousness. This transformative concept explores humanity's innate ability to connect, communicate, and co-create with ETs, multidimensionals, and spiritual beings.

Rebecca shares the cutting-edge innovations of the Exoconscious Coaching Community:
• Functioning Space-Earth Consciousness Technology
• Contactee Co-Creation with Telepathy and Discernment
• Earth-Cosmic Healing Protocols
• Art as Communication
• Exoconscious Plasma Project
• Planetary Constitution

This presentation offers a fresh paradigm and workable solutions for understanding our potential as conscious, cosmic beings. As we navigate a future directed towards space exploration, cultivating an Exoconscious perspective reshapes our relationship with Earth, the cosmos, and our evolving human identity.

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Ph.D., is a Phoenix-based futurist, author, coach, and host of "Exoconscious Humans YouTube." She founded the Institute for Exoconsciousness (I-EXO), the first post-disclosure organization of contactees to support co-creation between natural human and off-planet, interdimensional intelligences.
Rebecca developed the word "Exoconsciousness," now in mainstream use, to describe the innate human abilities to connect, communicate, and co-create with ET, multidimensional, and spiritual beings that link us directly to the cosmos.
Rebecca is a lifelong contactee facilitating online individual and group Exoconscious Coaching™. She was a member of Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Quantrek international science team, researching consciousness, the ET presence, and zero-point energy.
Her newest book, Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World?, now translated into Japanese, examines the future through the intersection of AI and psychic intelligence. Now available in Japanese.

Our location: The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona, AZ, 86336, Office phone: 1-928-282-7181. Doors open at 2:30; the program begins at 3:00 pm. Admission is 15.00 at the door, cash preferred.

Sunday, June 8 - Paul and Joel Hynek- "Growing up with UFOs" 

Joel and Paul Hynek will talk about what it's like to not know life without UFOs, what it was like to grow up in the Hynek house, what their father concluded about the phenomenon, and what they think today.

Their late father, J. Allen Hynek, was a renowned astronomer, professor, and ufologist who, from the 1940s to the 1960s, served as a scientific advisor to the U.S. Air Force on three projects related to UFO studies.

Friday, October 17-20 Sky Fire Summit 2025- A Conference disclosing 80 years of secrecy of the UFO/UAP phenomenon, and marking Travis Walton's 1975 UFO incident that shocked the world

Sunday, November 9- Stan Milford and Jon Dover, Navajo Rangers- "Navajo Rangers and the Paranormal"

Johnathan Dover and Stan Milford are known as the Navajo Rangers and will talk about phenomena and Stan’s new recent book with a live powerpoint presentation for Sedona MUFON . They were rangers together for 30 years.


Sunday, December 14 - Michael Horn

The Billy Meier UFO Contacts: The Key to Our Future Survival

In this presentation, in addition to Billy Meier’s unparalleled, stunningly, clear, UFO evidence, I will review some of the over 250 specific, error-free, examples of his prophetically, accurate, scientific, geopolitical, environmental, medical, and economic information. 

I will also discuss the most important question of all:

“If these contacts are real, what is the…reason for them?”

And I will present some of the most important information of all, the non-religious, belief-free, Creation-energy energy teaching.