Sedona MUFON Coordinator
Jennifer W. Stein is the program coordinator for Sedona MUFON, a division of Arizona MUFON. She is an Arizona State Section Director in charge of public outreach and education for Sedona. Jennifer is a trained field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network.
She was recently invited by Arizona State MUFON director Stacey Wright, to coordinate monthly in-person meetings for 2023 in Sedona. Jennifer recently relocated to Anthem Arizona in November of 2021.
Formerly from Pennsylvania, she founded Main Line MUFON in September 2002 to provide free monthly programming at the Tredyffrin Public Library in Radnor PA.
Programs both in AZ and PA focus on the subject of UFOs, paranormal experiences, NDEs, ESP, precognition, ancient archeological sites, interesting science topics, and more. As of March 2020, the PA programs became zoom hosted virtual programs & continue today. Click here to view past programs, and click here to sign up for our Constant Contact memo meeting reminder to receive Zoom links to join these ongoing programs. Main Line MUFON is a branch of MUFON Pennsylvania providing free monthly public educational programs. Sedona MUFON programs are a branch of Arizona MUFON.
Expanding her programming experience to Arizona, Stein has coordinated almost a full year for 2023 programs for Sedona.
Sedona MUFON 2023 programs will be hosted on Sundays between 3 and 5 p.m. with a few exceptions, listed on the program of events page. Programs will be held at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Drive, Sedona, AZ 86336.
We will open the doors at 2:30 pm; the program start time on Sundays once a month will be 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. After the lecture, join us at a local Chinese restaurant to enjoy dinner together with the speaker and your MUFON Coordinator Jennifer W. Stein.
An admission fee of $15.00 dollars, (Cash only) will be charged to help offset the cost of the room rental at The Global Center.
Volunteers are invited to assist in marketing, promoting, setting up, and check-in for these programs. Members interested in helping to coordinate, promote, and set up these programs can reach Jennifer Stein here.
A long-time member of the Noetic Sciences organization after meeting Edgar Mitchell in 1973, she became inspired to become a “shift in action” member of Noetic Sciences when she began to host educational programs open to the public to study UFO-related incidents and other topics of interest. Jennifer presents frequently for civic and community groups to help educate the public about, Crop Circles, MUFON, UFOs, and ancient archeological sites she has traveled to with well-known researchers. Additionally, she became a documentary filmmaker and frequently screens her documentary films for groups on request.
Jennifer W. Stein became active in MUFON in 2002 by invitation from an acting PA state section director Tom Carey. After her own personal UFO sighting in 1975, she was challenged to make sense of this event and place it in the context of known reality. Participation in MUFON has made that easier, through learning from others with similar experiences. Jennifer currently works as an independent documentary filmmaker.
Her film website Onwinges Productions LLC provides an overview of her past productions and award-winning documentary films.
Award-winning film information is listed below.
Travis – The True story of Travis Walton, was three years in the making. All living members of the original logging crew are featured. Current and archived interviews are woven of the police sheriff, the chief polygraph expert for Arizona in 1975, as well as UFO experts Stanton Friedman, Kathy Marden, Ben Hansen, James Fox, Peter Robbins, and Lee Speigel. If you want to learn more about Jennifer and her involvement in this fascinating story, click here.
The Disclosure Dialogues. In 2012 Jennifer co-produced The Disclosure Dialogues project with filmmaker Ron James. This is a 5-disc DVD set of discussions among the experts in the UFO field. To learn more, watch a preview, or purchase this DVD, click here. A radio interview Jennifer did about the project with The ParaCast Radio can be heard by clicking here.
Jennifer helped structure an original working business plan with Ron James to envision and launch the establishment of the MUFON Television platform for MUFON National starting in 2008. Today Ron James orchestrates and produces relevant video content for this unique media platform. This platform serves as an important educational arm communicating MUFON's research to all who are interested.